When you’re buying a new home in Canton, Michigan, it’s important to think ahead. What we mean by that is think about the future, not just today. Of course you can’t always plan a home purchase perfectly for every phase of your life, but you can think about what the next five to ten years will likely hold for you and your family so that you won’t have to worry about looking for a new home or making major renovations to your existing home to suit your family’s changing needs any time soon.
Thinking About the Future When Building a New Home in Canton
Topics: Insider Tips, Building New Home Tips, Floor Plans, Home Design, Home Investment
The Differences Between Financing a New Construction Home Versus an Existing Home
Whether you’re purchasing a new construction home or an existing home, one of the first steps every homebuyer needs to consider is financing. Of course, it goes without saying that solid credit scores and large down payments are the two surest ways to secure better loan terms for your mortgage, no matter what your purchase plan. But what actually differentiates financing a new home in Canton, Michigan, versus an existing home? Let’s take a look.
Topics: Building New Home Tips, Home Investment
How Energy Efficient Homes Can Help the Environment and Your Pocket Book
Looking for a new home in Canton, Michigan? Whether you are looking in Canton or elsewhere, one of the many benefits of buying a new construction home is its potential to be energy efficient. Energy efficient homes benefit both you and the environment greatly. That is why at Evergreen Homes we believe in building the most energy efficient homes that we can. Before buidling your new home, you should understand how energy efficient homes can benefit both you and the environment.
Topics: Insider Tips, Building New Home Tips, Home Investment, Energy Efficient Homes
Financial Check List When Financing a New Construction Home in Canton
Are you ready to buy your new home in Canton, Michigan? Do you wonder what builders and lenders are looking for in terms of financial readiness? Today we will discuss steps you can take in order to make the process of financing your new home move as smoothly as possible.
Topics: Building New Home Tips, Home Investment
4 New Construction Home Buying Tips: Buying New in Canton, Michigan
Ready to build a new home, but not sure where to start? Then this article is just for you, the future buyer of a new construction home in Michigan. We will share with you some basic first steps you can take to begin the new construction home buying process in the Canton, Michigan market.
Topics: Insider Tips, Building New Home Tips, Home Investment
Little Choices that Make a Big Difference in Your Canton Home
Fortunately for your pocket book, it’s often the little choices that make a big difference in the value of your Canton, Michigan home. This means that you don’t have to build the largest and most expensive house on the block. Instead, tweaking smaller features can provide a larger return on investment and also up your satisfaction level in your new home. Let’s take a look at five small spending categories that dramatically increase your home’s value.
Topics: Insider Tips, Home Investment
Searching for New Homes for Sale in Canton, Michigan? Don’t Miss This Opportunity
Do you dream of building your own home but are uncertain whether you want to take on such a large project? For some, waiting on a longer time line and being available throughout the decision-making process can pose a formidable obstacle to moving forward with new home construction in Michigan. But if you’re not quite ready to give up customization options and new home construction, then it’s time to investigate quick move-in homes. When this opportunity knocks, you’ll want to entertain it.
Topics: Building New Home Tips, Home Investment
Canton, Michigan New Homes: Avoiding “Scope Creep”
Are you planning a budget for a new home? Have you already begun the construction process? No matter where you are in the building process, it’s important to know the basics of budgeting for new home construction in Michigan, and how to stick to that budget. When building a new home, always remember to beware of "scope creep".
Topics: Home Investment
Buying a New Home in Canton, MI? What You Need to Know in 2017
Purchasing a home involves much more than just finding it. If you’re considering buying a new home in Canton, Michigan in 2017, there are several steps you can take now to stay ahead of the game. Here are some practical preparations you can make to get your finances in order so that when you do find your ideal home, you can pursue it without delay.
Topics: Home Investment
5 Reasons Why a New Built Home is the Best Financial Investment
When deciding whether to purchase an already-constructed home or a new home in Michigan, it’s important to analyze the financial repercussions of each decision. While buying a new home may seem like a higher financial commitment than buying an old home at the outset, it often proves to be the more financially sound investment. When you purchase a new home, you will save money in the long run whether you decide to make it your forever home or to resell it. Let’s take a look at the long-term financial benefits of buying a new home in Canton, Michigan.
Topics: Home Investment